Morgan kindly decided to cross the ditch and come over to Tasmania over Easter. Of course, Mark and I sumised, this was cause for a roadtrip.
We picked the intrepid Dr Read up from Hobart International on Good Friday morning, and immediately set about heading west. Initial pub stops were at the Gretna Green and Derwent Bridge pubs. I decided to grace the public bar of one of the pubs in beautiful Queenstown while the lads did battle with the local greasy takeaway. Queenstown really is a unique place!
After Queenstown, we scooted up to Zeehan and in to Trial Harbour, a beautiful windswept bay dead on the West Coast proper. After a brisk stroll along the beach and a visit to the history rooms, we departed Trial and headed for our accomodation at the Heemskirk Motor Inn. I suspected we may have been up for a ropey meal when I asked if the seafood basket was local. "Nuh" came the swift reply. Rightio, steak and veg it was then. Kinda hard to bugger that one up I reckon. Ordered rare, it came out medium-rare. Perfecto (oops, it was Good friday! Sorry, pope!).
Post dinner saw us demolish a few coldies and start on the Glenmorangie back in the motel room.
Saturday we departed beautiful Zeehan by 9.30, and pointed Mark's Henry in the general direction of Cradle Mountain. We ended up going over the Pieman River Road, and across the Reece Dam. Think we went almost two hours without seeing another vehicle. No matter your thoughts re: the mighty Hydro, they did build some bloody amazing infrastructure in their time. after a reasonable lunch and (finally) some caffeine at the Cradle Mountain Chateau (of course, owned by Federal and funded by Pokie revenue) we entered the National Park and did a three point five hour walk to Marion's Lookout, just below the summit of Cradle Mountain. Spectacular views all round, for sure.
On the Overland Track
Saturday night we stayed at the Gowrie Park Backpacker accomodation, at $15 for individual two-bunk unit things, the place was pretty basic, but after a hearty meal at the Sheffield Pub and much home brew and whisky in the common room, we all slept like dead men.
Sunday morning we departed via brekky at a cafe in Sheffield for a pretty straightforward belt back to Hobart.
You've gotta love a roadtrip!
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