Wednesday, October 07, 2009

HCC Candidate's reply: Corey Peterson

Text below of reply from Corey Peterson, received 7 October:

Corey Peterson

West Hobart, Tasmania 7000

Dear Mr. Plimpton:

Thank you for the opportunity to express my thoughts on access to the Battery Point foreshore.

As a cyclist who both commutes and runs errands on my two-wheeled, self-propelled transport, I can speak from experience of the need for safe and easy to use cycling options in Hobart and surrounding municipal areas. While the majority of my cycling is through the CBD to the Eastern Shore, I do make use of the Inter-city Cycleway often so would see using the new southern access route as well, especially once it becomes safer to do so.

In principle I am in favour of a Battery Point foreshore pathway/boardwalk or whatever term best fits that would safely cater, as you note, to “the needs of both able bodied and disabled pedestrians, as well as providing a safe, off road route for cyclists.”

Predictions of a 0.8m sea level rise by 2100 from the International Panel on Climate Change as the most likely scenario at this time given existing and predicted emission levels over the next few years will necessarily impact the design of any structure. This is also the value provided by the Local Government Association of Tasmania to member councils and their engineering departments and risk managers. As this value has continued to rise over the course of the previous decade as models have become more accurate and data more reliable, it will be prudent to keep in mind that any structure might well have to be built for a value greater than this. In fact, it is anticipated that sea level rise of two meters will be closer to the truth this century.

Given this information, I would like to see what proposed designs are put forward from engineers and planners to provide the intended use while meeting the challenges of significantly higher sea levels and minimising impacts on the coastal environment itself before I would be prepared to commit to a particular solution and I do not think the solution will be “simple” in some respects.

One further item I would like to note is that any “pathway” around the Battery Point foreshore coming off of Marieville Esplanade through to Castray Esplanade should not preclude adding cycling enhancements through the Sandy Bay commercial precinct or at least access points from the routing currently proposed. The commercial area is a destination for cyclists as much as the CBD or the Long Beach area and we need to encourage cyclists into this area as well; any additional patronage is good for the businesses and it is essential that we keep this area vibrant.

Finally, the realities of the challenges from climate change and peak oil will require additional commitment to alternative transport options (not to mention the positive health effects) and I commend Hobart City Council’s efforts in this regard, but see that we can progress the plans further over time.


Corey Peterson
Corey Peterson
Sustainability and Resilience Promoter

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